Help search for and make energy generators and other suppressed inventions that are more cost-effective or superior than those that are widely available. 


An aim is to find which generators output the most power for the least cost to build, buy or maintain. Many suppressed inventions claim to be more efficient or cost-effective than those that are widely sold. Some of them are not manufactured and sold. Our group could list the generators that have the most potential and been proven to work. We could research and verify the claims and perhaps expose fraudulent ones. We could also refer to other websites that are doing similar things.

A lot of people that want to try inventions do not have the ability or time to make them. However, they would be prepared to pay people to make them up. It could be worth emailing groups or people that are interested in alternative technology and suppressed inventions to ask them if they know of anyone that can help. This would also provide some income for those making up the inventions, and also help the inventors to get people to use their product. This would encourage inventors as they would see that their ideas are benefiting people. The inventors would need to be contacted first. I would be interested to know what costs or time would be involved for someone to make up these systems, and what energy savings would be gained compared to other efficient generators sold on the market.

Below are links to some groups and more cost-effective or efficient energy systems that could have potential. Other links may soon be included. Please let me know which ones have the most potential, and if there are any generators on the links that have been proven to be false claims. It would be good to be able to work together as a group to determine which ones are genuine and which ones are not. The purpose of listing the links is to encourage people to do this research. Many researchers have found that the majority of claims of more cost-effective or very efficient energy are false. However, that does not mean that all are. Many big companies would want to ridicule genuine claims because these inventions would be a threat to their monopoly and profits. There are many claims of inventors of superior technology having their lives threatened by those with vested interests in the established energy companies. People that have done research have given evidence that many of the more cost-effective energy systems are genuine. However, what we need to do is work together as a group and work with honest organizations to verify that the claims are genuine. It would be good if we could test the systems.

Solar panels:

The above could also apply to inventions that are not energy generators. It would be good to get some groups established to search for products and ideas that are much better than the ones that are widely available. There are groups around which are pursuing alternative technology and researching it. What we need to do is to tie these groups together and find out which inventions are worth pursuing. These groups need to get in contact with each other and share ideas. It would be good to get a list of their contact details so that we can email them a letter like this.

It would also be good to be able to work together and gather a data base of honest companies, investors and organizations that can help inventors.

I have many other electronic projects which would benefit many people and I need help to set them up. Please see

I also have many websites with new ideas, including separate free groups, unique inventions with advantages, and rare information with solutions to help people. Please see for a brief summary.  I would appreciate your feedback and help. Are you able to swap links or share any letters that I could send you?


My contact details are below.

Richard Hole,
9 Leonard St,
Tolga Qld 4882,

Ph 07 4095 5447 within Australia or +617 4095 5447 if you are not in Australia. If NA on that number, Ph 07 4095 4354 within Australia or +617 4095 4354.

Email richard(at) . Note replace (at) with @ and use electronic as the subject.

Please share this letter with other people and let me know who could help with any of these ideas. It would be appreciated if you could print it out and display it. I could also send you some photocopies or a link to a printer friendly format. I also have this letter as an email that you can share.

Your help would be appreciated
Regards Richard.