Please place these articles or press releases in your media or local newspaper
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Christian sites  |  True Conspiracies  |  Lobby group  |  Inventions  |  Free Traffic  |  Other


Article or Letter to the Editor 
Are Christians??? deceived?
Article or Letter to the Editor  Lower Costs, Not Higher Wages
Article or Letter to the Editor  Why the Poor Deserve Help
Article or Letter to the Editor  True Christianity - Very Few May be Saved!
Article or Letter to the Editor  Encourage Good Service, Not Greed
Article  Christian forum with challenging questions and answers. You can help people turn to God.
Press release Christian forum. Challenging questions and answers. You can help people turn to God.
bible tabs Disabled inventor revolutionizes Bible study with simple system.
Revolutionary bible indexer finds verses in 4 seconds. Simple, low cost, & adapts to any bible.

articles and press releases Disabled man has unique ideas to spread God's word.
Many more articles, press releases and web sites.

True Conspiracies

Article or Letter to the Editor  Proof Globalisation Disadvantages the Poor
Article or Letter to the Editor  Free Energy is Everywhere

Lobby group with solutions to countries problems

Article Solutions To The Country's and World's Problems.
Press release New Lobby Group with revolutionary solutions to the country's and world's Problems.


Press release Disabled Inventor Revolutionises hiking, backpacking and camping, and plans a climb to lobby for the poor.
Press release Disabled inventor revolutionizes Bible study with simple system.
Press releases are available for other inventions. Please email me as to which invention interests you.

Free Traffic

Article New Reciprocal links idea and network to encourage sending each other traffic.
Press release New Reciprocal links idea and network to encourage sending each other traffic.


email me as to which site you wish to have a press release or article on.